Thursday, July 31, 2008

Who ever said you shouldn't judge a book by its cover?

Not to long ago, at a bus stop just 1 block away from my house...this is a story of when I realized my mom was not correct, and sometimes the book is ALL ABOUT THE COVER...

It was another morning where I had to battle to get out of bed, but after some internal debate I realized it was my solemn duty to get out of bed, so I could go to work and earn my boss more money. On this particular morning I knew that I was gonna need backup, so before I went to catch the 54 down 14th street I decided to stop at the new Dunkin Donuts in Columbia Heights. Anyways, I grabbed a medium coffee, with cream and 1 spelnda and headed to the bus stop. Joining me at the bus stop were the regulars, 1 out of 6 sipping from a brown paper bag. Now, I don't need to tell you what was in the brown paper bag, but I'm guessing it wasn't Fugi water. After about 15 minutes, the 54 comes barreling down 14th street and the folks at my bus stop load up the bus, the gentleman with the brown paper bag, right in front of me. As I went to swipe my Smart Trip the bus driver stopped me and told me that I couldn't bring the coffee on board the bus. When i made a gentle head tilt towards my friend swigging "Fugi water" out of a brown paper bag the bus driver told me, "Next time wise up like your friend and put it in a bag, now either spill it out or get off". Needless to say, I was in no real hurry, so I walked off the bus, finished my coffee and sure enough due to the excellent scheduling of the busses, 2 minutes later there was yet another 54 bus for me to catch.

Lesson learned: When drinking beverages on the Metro Bus system, it is ALL ABOUT THE COVER


Unknown said...

jeez man you walk through wino central and you don't even know to drink out of a paper bag. I am shocked, absolutely shocked.

Paige said...

"Paper Baggin' It" takes on a whole new meaning, eh?